Wait list for Holotropic Breathwork & Nature Immersion: Journey Into Expanded States of Consciousness

25 Sep 2023 / Double-Breathwork Workshop with Certified HB Facilitator to complete Virtual Module

Explore the healing potential of Holotropic Breathwork® and rewilding in nature with Drs. Laurane McGlynn and Tom Francescott.

Drawing upon ancient healing and spiritual practices as well as modern consciousness research, Drs. Laurane McGlynn and Tom Francescott cocreate a safe, supportive, and sacred space for you to experience the healing potential of Holotropic Breathwork®.

The Holotropic Breathwork process combines accelerated breathing, evocative music sets, and focused energy release work, which activates the inner healing potential of the breather. In this double breathwork workshop, you experience four Holotropic Breathwork sessions along with time for connection and integration in nature.

Whether you are new to Holotropic Breathwork, or highly experienced, this workshop can help you reconnect with your inner healing wisdom on a journey into expanded states of consciousness and self-discovery. We invite you to experience the power and healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness, community, and rewilding in nature.

For anyone in a psychedelic-assisted therapy training program, this workshop may fulfill your requirement for practical experience sitting for others in expanded states of consciousness. We invite you to come and experience the power and healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness, community and rewilding in nature.

More Information

Contraindications to this workshop include: pregnancy, serious heart conditions, epilepsy, glaucoma, retinal detachment, history of severe mental or emotional disorders, acute infectious disease, and recent injury or surgery.

Participants must reside on campus during the workshop.

Upon registration, you will be emailed forms that the Faculty requires you to complete prior to the start of the course. Once completed, please email them to ClassApplications@eOmega.org.

GTT Staff

Thomas Francescott

Thomas Francescott

Dr. Tom Francescott, ND (module leader and facilitator)

Dr. Tom is naturopathic and intuitive doctor specializing in natural and compassionate care for...


Laurane McGlynn

Laurane McGlynn

Dr. Laurane McGlynn (workshop leader) is a clinical psychologist who integrates mind/body medicine with holistic approaches to healing and transformation. She holds doctoral deg...

Location: 150 lake drive, rhinebeck US.

Holotropic Breathwork & Nature Immersion:  Journey Into Expanded States of Consciousness

Thomas Francescott

Laurane McGlynn