GTT is a program for experiencing and studying Holotropic Breathwork® (HB) and the holotropic and transpersonal perspectives. It is a two-track program that can be used either to become a certified practitioner or simply to experience this practice in a more in-depth format. It is the best way to spend time with the leaders and most experienced facilitators in this field. GTT is the only organization that can certify Holotropic Breathwork® facilitators worldwide. Certifying practitioners on four continents, we were the first and are the most established contemporary program for training in expanded states of awareness.
GTT was founded by Christina Grof and Stanislav Grof, creators of Holotropic Breathwork®. It was further developed by Tav Sparks and Cary Sparks, who took over GTT from the Grof's in 1998. Christina and Tav are deceased, and Stan is retired. Current and past guest teachers have included Jai Uttal, Monika Wikman, Cait Branigan, Jack Kornfield, Andrew Harvey, Angeles Arrien, Richard Tarnas, and others.
Besides the practice and theory of HB, module topics include: Shamanism; Addiction & Recovery; The Psychedelic Experience; Movie Yoga; Death and Dying; The Books of the Dead; Astrology; Gender; The Lord of the Rings; and others. A special event is Ecstatic Remembrance, featuring Kirtan (chanting) led by Jai Uttal (nominated for a 2002 Grammy for his album Mondo Rama). Advanced trainings have included Trauma & Transformation; and Fantastic Art - held at the HR Giger Museum in Gruyeres, Switzerland.
Training information and application packet
You may participate when you choose, in a residential setting, in groups of moderate size, for one or two six-day modules at a time. You will be with people from around the world who are excited about Holotropic Breathwork® and its possibilities, and you will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the breathwork and your personal journey than is usually possible in shorter workshops. And you will be part of the larger community of HB practitioners and experiencers.
In keeping with the HB tenet that your inner wisdom is the best guide, GTT is designed to be flexible. You may participate in any of the six-day modules, which are usually offered in pairs so you can take one or both. Pairs of modules are spread out through the year, and you may attend as many or as few as you wish, and at whatever time. Thus each person can participate at her or his own pace depending on one's own process, available time, and financial considerations. You do not have to become certified, and if you do, you are welcome to continue attending modules at any time (at a reduced fee).
For those who wish to become certified, there are two tracks, Educational and Practitioner. Both have the requirements of attendance at seven modules (four on required topics and three elective), and a two-week closing intensive. In addition, the training includes ten hours of consultation with a certified practitioner and participating in 10 HB workshops (including those done before starting the training) led by any certified practitioner. In addition, those wishing to become independent workshop leaders (Practitioners), must apprentice at least four times at workshops with previously certified practitioners before leading groups of their own. Practitioner certification is not guaranteed but is at the discretion of the certification staff.
Those following the practitioner track have opportunities to practice as "floaters" at modules and as apprentices at workshops and modules.
Information on floating and apprenticing can be found here
The program is designed to work for people with various levels of interest and needs. If you have previously tried HB, either a few or many times and want to learn more about it while going even deeper into your personal journey, you may want to attend at least one module. Even if you have no prior experience with HB but are drawn to try it, the modules can be a great place to start.
Although many in the program are in the helping professions, it is in no way a requirement for participation, or even to become a practitioner. People with all kinds of backgrounds have come through the training, including business people, artists, academics, ministers, nurses, filmmakers, teachers, bodyworkers, writers, builders, doctors, musicians, veterinarians, attorneys, and more.
A training group generally consists of people from many countries, and of varying ages and income levels. There has been limited racial diversity, but we hope this will change. People come with widely varied interests and reasons for participating. There are all types of spiritual paths represented, and individuals in many different stages of life. Gay and straight people attend, sometimes in couples, and occasionally siblings or parents with grown children attend together. What they have in common is a passion for Holotropic Breathwork™, and based on this and on taking the inner journey together, groups usually bond quickly, and deep connections are made.
Currently, modules are held in the United States at retreat centers near Loveland, Colorado and the Connecticut River Valley. Internationally, training modules are scheduled in Austria, Australia, Mexico, and Poland. Past groups have completed certification or held modules in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Italy, India, Ireland, Russia, the Scandinavian countries Slovenia, Spain, and Ukraine. We make every effort to find venues that support the holotropic perspective and deep inner work, by being in or near nature, in private settings, and with comfortable accommodations; balanced with affordability.
You can attend modules without any previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork®, and without joining the training. For most events, just contact us for registration information. If you also wish to become certified as a practitioner of Holotropic Breathwork® please see the training information and application packet, and return the application materials. All modules you attend will retroactively be counted toward your certification requirements. After attending the first time, you will be sent notices for upcoming training events.
Please note that you must complete the training program, meeting all the requirements to become a certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator, before offering or running any Holotropic Breathwork® events.
Further information on the training program can be found on the GTT website.