Peg Pipchick


Peg’s first experienced Holotropic Breathwork 20 years ago, and became aware of her “Inner Healer.“ She learned that if she could get out of the way her inner healer would  do her work healing past traumas as well as everyday trauma. As a result she has continued to participate in HBW sessions several times a year which led her to a deep curiosity about HBW. She attended modules initially just to understand more about Breathwork. However she became more alive in the process and continued onto certification as a HBW facilitator in 2019. Trying to live with the awareness of non-ordinary states of consciousness has carried over into her psychotherapy practice as an Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse. Developing an awareness of breathing, meditation and personal transformation along with a growth in her emotional, somatic and spiritual self has been an ongoing process personally. It has influenced her psychotherapy work with patients as a well as her work as a facilitator.

Peg facilitates groups in New Jersey about four times a year with Tim O’Connell. 

Following her inner Daimon, Peg’s  various  educational and experiential opportunities have prepared Peg for the Holotropic Breathwork experience :
1) While working for her graduate degree she studied the Science of Unitary Human Beings - human beings and environment are one and focused as well on Therapeutic Touch and Transpersonal Healing. This deepened her interest in inner self discovery in the Transpersonal realm.
2) A three year intensive psychotherapy program, through personal therapy along with faculty and peer supervision, focused on deepening her knowledge of the theory and practice of psychotherapy. In ongoing study groups Peg continues  to explore childhood development and attachment theory while understanding the impact on the development of the psyche, later relationships and functioning. These experiences explored and deepened her awareness that fostering relational repair of trauma happens in the transformational space.
3) While working on her doctorate in psychology, through a self-directed course of study, her interest in Self Exploration was encouraged and supported. In that course of studies, she developed an increased awareness of evolving states of spiritual development through reading Ken Wilbur and became acquainted with Stan Grof’s work with non-ordinary states of consciousness as a way of healing and deep self-exploration for personal growth.

Peg has practiced yoga for over 20 years, meditated for most of her adult life, take long healing walks in nature, spends time with family and watches her youngest grandchildren ages 4 and 2 who bring love, innocence and joy that can only come through children of that age.


BSN Nursing Seton Hall University 

MA Psychiatric Nurses New York University 

Marriage and Family Therapist Certificate BlantonPeale Graduate Institute 

PhD Psychology Union Institute and University

Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator

Peg Pipchick

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347 Lincoln Avenue E Cranford New Jersey