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Holotropic Breathwork® is a powerful method of self-exploration using deep breathing, evocative music and a form of body work that assists in the release of dis-ease in the body. A core tenet of this modality is that everyone has an “Inner Healer”, an inner knowing or wisdom that informs and guides their healing process. To that end, Holotropic Breathwork® provides the environment for each person to become empowered to articulate what they need while connecting to their own deep inner wisdom. Being witnessed and supported while entering into an expanded state allows people to access unconscious material and integrate it into current awareness. Some individuals report experiencing their birth process, periods of their life/biological history, and transpersonal insights (information from our collective and personal unconscious).
Holotropic Breathwork® is done in groups divided into pairs. Each participant will have the experience of being a “Breather” and a “Sitter”. Being a Breather entails breathing deeply and rapidly to evocative music. It involves relaxing the body and mind while being open to whatever might come up. The role of the Sitter is to be a compassionate presence and witness to the Breather during their journey without interfering. Sitters will sometimes move pillows to prevent Breathers from hurting themselves while in the process, responding to specific requests by the Breather to use the bathroom, take a drink of water, get a tissue, or obtain other assistance. Each session is between two to three hours. There will be a break between sessions and again at the end of the workshop. This is a time for Integration. Integration includes the opportunity to create a “mandala”, engage in reflective writing and share experiences in a Share Group.
When Holotropic Breathwork® was originally developed by the psychiatrist Stanislav Grof and his wife Christina in the 1970s they said the best way to work safely in “Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness” was to have Preparation, the Session and Integration. In keeping with this tradition, all three of these components will be offered in our workshop.
Because Holotropic Breathwork® can evoke strong emotional and physical reactions, it may not be appropriate for everyone. There are some medical contraindications to participate in this particular modality. A medical form will be required to participate in the workshop, and we will discuss any medical or psychological concerns before registration is accepted.